
Special Medical Equipment donated to Kanchi Kamakoti CHILDS Trust Hospital by Adyar Ananda Bhavan

Valued at Rs 50 lakhs a boon to critically ill children

Chennai, 21st June 2024: Adyar Ananda Bhavan, popularly known as A2B, donated essential medical equipment to Kanchi Kamakoti CHILDS Trust Hospital (KKCTH) on 21st June 2024. The equipment will be used on critically ill children in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and Emergency Room. This will greatly enhance our ability to provide timely and affordable care to children who are critically sick said Dr BalaRamachandran, Head of the Department of Intensive Care & Emergency Medicine.

Kanchi Kamakoti CHILDS Trust Hospital, a renowned pioneer in multispecialty pediatric healthcare, has been serving the healthcare needs of underprivileged children since 1979, ensuring that quality healthcare is accessible and affordable to everyone.

The following equipment will be added to strengthen the system:

  1. Wipro-GE Ultrasound machine – for performing ultrasound exams on children in the ICU
  2. Wipro-GE multiparameter monitors (4 numbers) – for monitoring seriously ill children
  3. vTitan Syringe infusion pumps (3 numbers) for administering medicines to children accurately
  4. Graseby volumetric infusion pumps (9 numbers) for administering fluids to children accurately
  5. Philips defibrillator to provide electric shocks for restarting the heart of seriously ill children

Mr. K.T. Venkatesa Raja & Mr. K.T. Srinivasa Raja, Managing Directors of A2B said they were very happy to donate the equipment worth Rs 50 lakhs to KKCTH which helps children from all walks of life and has history to give the best treatment at an affordable cost to every child. We have done our homework, evaluated the systems and doctors at KKCTH, and then decided that we are here. They are the most deserving. We will continue to support them in the future also.

Dr. Ramachandran explained that the Hospital treats more than 10,000 inpatients every year, including about 1400 in the ICU. We provide ethical care without a profit motive, he said. Our goal is to ensure that high quality medical care is available to every child, irrespective of whether they are rich or poor. We are also expanding our services by performing more heart surgeries for underprivileged children and have recently inaugurated a Center of Excellence in Pediatric Airway Surgery. This state-of-the-art equipment will go a long way in helping us in these ventures.

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